
Des bourses d’études à l’Université de Toronto

La bourse Lester B. Pearson au Canada 2025 est l’occasion pour les esprits brillants d’étudier dans l’une des meilleures universités du monde – l’Université de Toronto. L’Université de Toronto est le principal institut de recherche et d’enseignement au monde. La bourse entièrement financée à l’Université de Toronto est donc une chance pour les étudiants de premier cycle de poursuivre leur carrière universitaire dans des communautés d’apprentissage étroitement liées. De plus, la bourse internationale Lester B. Pearson est une opportunité pour les étudiants internationaux de passer quatre années consécutives de leur vie dans une ville multiculturelle et diversifiée.

Les bourses internationales de l’Université de Toronto au Canada couvrent :

  • Les frais de scolarité complets pendant quatre ans
  • L’allocation pour livres .
  • Les frais accessoires
  • L’hébergement est entièrement pris en charge par l’organisation d’accueil.

Eligibility Criteria of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships:

  • All international students can apply.
  • The applicant must not be a Canadian national.
  • An international student who has a high school in Canada can also apply.
  • The applicant must be nominated by the school or college.
  • The applicant must be a current student in the final year of secondary school.
  • In case the applicant is graduated from high school, the graduation should not be earlier than June 2024.
  • The applicants must have applied to study at the University of Toronto.
  • The applicants must not have started their post-secondary studies at any institute.
  • The applicant must be a first-entry graduate.

How to apply and application process for the Lester B. Pearson Scholarship in Canada 2025?

  • The applicant is applying for the undergraduate program at the University of Toronto for 2024.
  • The applicant must be nominated by the institute/school and must receive the nomination from the school.
  • The applicants must ensure that their high schools are contacted and verified to apply for this scholarship. In case they are not reached, the institutes first have to apply for participation.
  • Make your course choices at the University of Toronto. Only the first choice for the study will be considered in the Pearson Scholarship 2024.
  • Once the nomination is received, and the applicants have applied for the university, a personalized link and secured link of the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship will be given.
  • Complete the online application from the given link.

University to Toronto Scholarship Application Deadlines:

  • The deadline for the nominating student is October 11, 2024.
  • The deadline for the OUAC (Ontario Universities Application Centre)  application is October 18, 2024.
  • Pearson Scholarship Deadline: November 8 2024.

For more information about the scholarship and nomination process, visit:

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